[Tfug] [shaleh@speakeasy.net: Re: Debian T-shirts]

tfug at tfug.org tfug at tfug.org
Tue Jul 19 14:32:20 MST 2005

At the last coffee hour, Ranjan asked me about Debian t-shirts.  I
spoke with Shaleh of the Bay Area Debian group and he has a bunch of
the "And you thought space was big" shirts from the Woody release.  If
I recall correctly, these are white shirts with a large Debian swirl
on the front, with the text on top of the swirl.

If anyone is interested in purchasing one, email me the size and
number that you want and I'll arrange to have them shipped down.
Money goes to the Debian project.


----- Forwarded message from Sean Perry <shaleh at speakeasy.net> -----

From: Sean Perry <shaleh at speakeasy.net>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 19:52:32 -0700
Subject: Re: Debian T-shirts
To: bad at bad.debian.net
Cc: Claude Rubinson <rubinson at u.arizona.edu>

Claude Rubinson wrote:
>Hi Shaleh,
>Did you get a chance to figure out what shirts you have?

146 total.

M:  2
L:  22
XL: 81
2X: 15
3X: 9

Baby doll:
M: 9
L: 8

Plus a couple hundred of Jaldhar Vyas's Debian propaganda handouts.

Historically we have sold the standard sizes for $10 and the 2x,3x and 
baby dolls for $15.

----- End forwarded message -----

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