[Tfug] /dev/dsp

Ron Sandel rsandel at email.arizona.edu
Fri Jul 15 14:15:02 MST 2005

Nathanial Hendler wrote:

>I have a binary that I used to run fine on a linux box several years ago.  I
>tried it on my new machine and it's saying...
>open_audio_device(): Cannot open /dev/dsp
>... well I don't have /dev/dsp.  To be honest Linux sound is a complete mystery
>to me.  xmms works, and that's all I normally care about.  Can anyone tell me
>what steps I should take to gettings a dsp device so this software can work?  
You need to load the OSS Emulation modules that are part of ALSA.  Your 
dist's docs should mention something about them, possibly an option in 
an alsa config program of sorts.


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