[Tfug] music/mp3 player daemon

Claude Rubinson rubinson at email.arizona.edu
Mon Dec 22 17:04:53 MST 2003

I'm wondering if anybody is aware of an audio player app that runs as
a daemon?  Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.  I'll provide a bit
of background and how I'm thinking about resolving the problem.

I typically use command-line instruments for playing music (generally
mp3s but, if possible, I'm looking for a solution that supports
multiple formats).  In an xterm, I'll execute splay or the play
frontend to SoX against a list of audio files and throw it into the
background.  No muss, no fuss. 

Well, at least most of the type.  Every so often, I won't be thinking
about it, and I'll close the xterm that's running the playing job.
Whoops!  There goes the music.  Or, I'll want to kill the job but I've
forgotten which xterm it's running in.  Yeah, I can always kill the
process but I shouldn't have to.

So it occurs to me that the solution is an audio player daemon that
runs in the background.  It would just sit there, awaiting a list of
files to play.  When it receives them, it plays them.  When I want to
stop the music, I send a 'stop' command and it's done.  Perhaps it
even possesses pause and track skipping functionality (but that might
just spoil me).  Truly no muss, no fuss.

It would be fairly simple to whip up such an app, so I'm thinking
that---given the thousands of audio players out there---something must
already exist.  But my searching Google and Freshmeat haven't turned
anything up.  I may have just missed it.  Anybody aware of such an
app?  (There are a bunch of HTTP audio servers.  But that's not what
I'm looking for.  I just want a local daemon.)

Or maybe somebody has another solution?



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