[Tfug] printserver 17

Ammon Lauritzen ammon at simud.org
Tue Dec 16 12:53:14 MST 2003

Does anyone know the slightest bit about dec printservers? Specifically,
do you know what software I need to boot a printserver 17? Once it's
running, I assume I won't have problems actually printing to it... am just
having a killer time finding the driver program.

I'm almost to the point where I'm willing to try to port it from VMS to
Linux given the source, but nowhere near the point where I am willing to
try to write the blasted thing from the ground up (even if I had

Any help would be muchly appreciated. Thanks.


Ammon Lauritzen
ammon at simud.org

Systems Analyst
Arizona Student Media
Office: (520) 626-2952
Cell: (520) 861-4680


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