[Tfug] OT: Hacker Slang

Ammon Lauritzen ammon at simud.org
Wed Dec 3 17:56:56 MST 2003


What kind of DAU tries to pronounce two-letter abbreviations like that
anyways? :P I mean, does one try to pronounce df, mv, cp, or dd? Then
again, there is ed, but nobody sane uses that anymore. Besides, it's a
moot point anyways, since the command is spelled 'vim'.

On the other scores:
  /etc  == et-sea
  /usr  == user
  tcsh  == t-cash
  ch*   == C-H-*, though sometimes chown is pronounced with a ch sound
  fstab == F-S-tab

How about punctuation? bang, hash, tick, star, dollar, caret, tilde, etc...

Ammon Lauritzen
ammon at simud.org

Systems Analyst
Arizona Student Media
Office: (520) 626-2952
Cell: (520) 861-4680


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