[Tfug] Mailman, Postfix and SpamAssassin (oh my)

Sam Hart tfug@tfug.org
Sat Sep 28 01:07:02 2002

We have been using Mailman+Postfix+SpamAssassin for months now over at 
tux4kids.net. However, I have only just now discovered that SpamAssassin 
is only operating for those users who are part of the tux4kids.net domain 
(which means, people on the lists with external addys get spam, while 
anyone @tux4kids.net doesn't).

Anyway, the problem seems that postfix is going through the postalias file 
(delivering mail through mailman) before passing mail through procmail 
(whihc is where spamassassin runs).

Does anyone know of a way to configure postfix so that it passes 
everything thru procmail first and then runs thru postalias?

If not, does anyone know how to set up spamassasin or procmail to run 
through the postalias file?

(I recognize this is /not/ common knowledge, and I may be SOL, but I 
thought I'd ask in the hopes that SOMEONE on this list might have worked 
with some of these things together in the past :-)

Sam Hart
University/Work addr. <hart@physics.arizona.edu>
Personal addr. <criswell@geekcomix.com>