[Tfug] router/firewall distro

Nicolas Lopez tfug@tfug.org
Thu Sep 12 17:59:01 2002

On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 05:03:14PM -0700, Chris Mathis wrote:
> is it possible to run a router/firewall back through the same lan card (just
> a question... i know that you can get a lan card for about 7 bucks right
> now...) if so what about through-put on that system... also what about
> putting it on a dx 33 would that have the processing time/power to get
> things going???
  Yes you can, you just need to be a little more careful with your firewall
rules. As for thoughput, you'll get at best, less than half of the
NIc/LAN is theoretically capable of.  But even 4Mbit is more than you're
ever likely to see.
  Well, that's assuming a PCI NIC. An ISA NIc will probably slow you down.
As will overly complicated firewall rules.

  - Nick Lopez
Everyday I think M$ is turning out to be more analageous (sp) to Taco Bell
in the movie Demolition Man. - nsanit on /.